Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Coconut rice is a tasty Nigerian cuisine prepared with coconut milk, crayfish and tomato sauce that will leave your tongue asking for more. Can be served for lunch or dinner.
  • 500g Parboiled Rice
  • 150ml Tomato Stew
  • 100ml Coconut Milk
  • 100ml Chicken or Beef Stock
  • 1 Medium sized Onion bulb
  • Ground Crayfish (optional)
  • Knorr or Maggi Cubes
  • Pepper & Salt (to taste
Preparation Method
Step 1
Pour in the tomato stew, meat stock and the extracted coconut milk. Leave to boil for 5 minutes.
Step 2
Pour in the parboiled rice to the pot, add the ground crayfish, stock cubes, pepper and salt to taste. Make sure that the liquid in the pot is at the same level as the rice in the pot, if not, add some more to top it up.
Step 3
Cover and leave the rice to cook on medium heat until the liquid in the pot is dried up.
Step 4
The rice should be properly done when there is no more liquid in the pot. Serve with the grilled/fried meat and enjoy.


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