Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Enjoy a mix of seafood and assorted meat in this recipe. Periwinkles, stock fish, pomo, shaki (cow tripe) e.t.c. Are you hungry yet?

  • 1kg Meat
  • 1 cup Pumpkin leaves or Bitterleaf (Nicely chopped)
  • 1 cup Ogbono (Ground)
  • 400g Dried fish
  • 400g Stockfish
  • 200g Kpomo
  • 1 cup Crayfish (Ground)
  • 2 cups shelled periwinkle
  • 8 Chilli Pepper to taste
  • 2 Knorr cubes
  • 1 cup of Palm oil
  • 1 Onion
  • Salt to taste.

Preparation Method
Step 1
Season and boil the meat to obtain the broth.

Step 2
 When the meat is almost soft, add the stockfish and kpomo.

Step 3
In a different pot, boil your periwinkle in salt water and wash properly.

Step 4
Add water when the stockfish, meat and kpomo are soft.

Step 5
Add the ogbono, perewinkle and palm oil and cook for about 5mins.

Step 6
 Add the chopped pumpkin leaves or bitterleaf, crayfish and Knorr cubes.

Step 7
Boil for another 3 mins and add salt to taste.


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