Thursday, July 13, 2017

Ideal for both afternoon snacks and lunchboxes, these delicious sausage rolls are simple to prepare and are guaranteed to have your family members smiling from ear to ear.
  • 500 g all-purpose flour,
  • 250 g unsalted butter,
  • Any brand of Stock Cubes,
  • 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) of salt,
  • 1 big egg and a yolk,
  • 1/2 (125 ml) cup ice-cold water,
  • 250 g sausage mix.

Preparation Method
Step 1
Pour the flour into a clean bowl, cut the butter into strips and add to the flour. Note that the butter must be at room temperature. Add the salt and work your mixture into a dough with your finger-tips. Be careful not to overwork your dough! Add the cold water and let the mixture rest for 15 minutes.
Step 2
Mix your sausage with any brand of Stock Cubes , salt, the egg and yolk and set aside.
Step 3
Sprinkle some flour onto a clean work surface, roll out the dough into a rectangular shape that is about three mm thick and add the sausage in a straight line.
Step 4
Lift the end of the dough and roll over the mixture to cover the sausage three times. Cut the pastry into desired lengths with a sharp knife.
Step 5
Arrange on a baking tray, egg-wash the pastry with the remaining egg and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes until light and crispy.
Step 6
Easy recipes are ideal for families who follow busy schedules.


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