Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Akara is a delicious and popular food among the people of Nigeria. It's easy to prepare. Try it out today.
  • 1 cup unpeeled brown beans ( Drum or Oloyin)
  • 1 raw hot pepper (Ata rodo) – chopped
  • 1/2 of a medium onion – Finely chopped
  • Salt – to taste
  • oil for frying (1 part palm oil to 4 part vegetable oil).

Preparation Method
Step 1
Cover beans with generous amount of water and leave to soak overnight.

Step 2
Rinse soaked beans. In a blender, combine the beans with 1/3 cup water, Puree to a smooth paste.

Step 3
Pour the pureed beans into a bowl. add in the salt,chopped pepper and onions. Mix with a rolling pin or electric mixer  for 5-10 minutes (this is to incorporate air into the batter and make the resulting akara fluffy).

Step 4
Set a deep pan on medium heat, add in some oil.

Step 5
Once the oil is hot, scoop 1/2 cooking spoon of batter into oil – you do not want to spread out the batter in the oil, you want to pour batter directly on itself (the way you would pour water into a narrow bottle). Fry on each side until golden brown
Step 6 
lift out the akara balls with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Repeat the process until everything is fried
Step 7
Serve with bread, garri, ogi(pap), custard or fried yam. Enjoy!


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